Oversharing is a threat to cyber security

One of our mantras when it comes to cyber security is that “an educated staff is your first line of defence. So, we educate our customers to be safe against cybercriminals and attacks in flexible training programmes. To learn more about our staff Cyber Security training, click here.

Cyber security is an precious value that a company needs to demonstrate to protect their business, not only is it enforced by law such as the GDPR of 2018, it also increases a companies reputation- pretty important right! However, many businesses and employees aren’t cyber aware- meaning they don’t understand or haven’t heard of methods to increase your Cyber security and have limited knowledge of cyber threats. This can be very dangerous for a businesses network and their clients.

Furthermore, a few days ago while checking social media we found an interesting post on LinkedIn showing us that people sometimes just don’t know that security is more than a long and secure password or an antivirus installed on your computer.

People also tend to forget that cyber criminals use social engineering so that they can disclose sensitive information.

Well, in our case, a criminal wouldn’t need to use social engineering to find important details, it seems the person in question was giving them freely in a train.

So, remember, it might sound paranoid, but the best way to protect yourself against cyber-criminals is to give them as little information as possible. That means stop talking about your business in public places such as a train.


Photo by Dayne Topkin.
